What is Yoga Therapy
Tools for Calm, Clarity, Strength, and Attention
If you are a parent of a child or a professional who works with one, you know how challenging it can be for children to focus, manage change, and self-soothe through stressful times. We want them to slow down enough to be responsive rather than reactive, so they can make the best decisions possible in their life. And this takes skill!
Integrative Yoga Therapy offers a holistic, safe, and empowering approach to healthy development. Many studies have shown the benefits of mindfulness and yoga for children and teens as a means to directly improve self-regulation, physical, or somatic concerns, and concentration.
Because children and teens are subject to sensory overload, just like adults, the sympathetic nervous system (“fight or flight”) is often engaged, amplifying any stress. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system (“relaxation response”), yoga therapy can reduce reactivity and increase the ability to calm, focus, sleep better, and learn.
Yoga mindfulness and meditation can help teach children specific breathing strategies and poses to support them in activating the parasympathetic nervous system. It can support our children to navigate the stresses of daily life and practice ways to help their bodies, brains, and hearts feel calm, even when the world around them feels uncertain and unsteady.
Our programs like Yoga therapy, MBSR-T, and The Safe and Sound Protocol leave youth empowered with a set of skills to meet life's challenges, no matter what it may bring.
Coping skills for worry, stress, and overwhelm
Empowering children and teens with skills
We teach children, teens, and parents mindfulness and yoga strategies that both calm and energize, emphasizing sensory and bodily awareness and the “sacred space” that is so important for us all. Sessions support them to develop coping skills and ways to respond to stress, tension, worry, anxiety and overwhelm.
We can also support you as parents to learn the best ways to use your voice and body effectively when working with children; how to minimize distractions and ease transitions; and how to create personalized yoga breaks to enhance independence and avert meltdowns.
Breathing and visualization techniques can empower all children – letting them know they have tools that can be used anytime and anywhere to calm their bodies and minds.
Behavior and focus, strength, flexibility, balance, and self-regulation are all improved through yoga, making it an ideal practice for children on the autism spectrum, with ADHD, sensory processing and emotional/behavioral disorders, and other exceptionalities.

Integrative Yoga Therapy for Youth
Harnessing Inner Resources to Thrive
Yoga, mindfulness, and meditation can help teach children specific breathing strategies and poses to support them in activating the parasympathetic nervous system. It can support our children to navigate the stresses of daily life and practice ways to help their bodies, brains, and hearts feel calm, even when the world around them feels uncertain and unsteady.
Yoga therapy, MBSR-T, and our positive coping skills program leave youth empowered with a set of skills to meet life's challenges, no matter what it may bring

How can Integrative Yoga Therapy Help my Child?
Integrative Yoga Therapy supports a wide variety of challenges and can be combined with therapy or used as a stand-alone intervention. Our Yoga Therapists are skilled and experienced in the following areas:
Benefits of Yoga Therapy for Children and Teens
Yoga Therapy offers a holistic, safe, and empowering approach to healthy development. Many studies have shown the benefits of mindfulness and yoga for children and teens as a means to directly improve self-regulation, physical or somatic concerns, and concentration.
Because children and teens are subject to sensory overload, just like adults, the sympathetic nervous system (“fight or flight”) is often engaged, amplifying any stress. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system (“relaxation response”), yoga therapy can reduce reactivity and increase the ability to calm, focus, sleep better, and learn.
Social-Emotional Skills *
Yoga and mindfulness may have beneficial effects on a variety of social-emotional outcomes such as improved self-regulation, reduced hostility, and fewer problem behaviors.
Physical Health *
Studies have found that mindfulness reduces blood pressure and enhances sleep quality in high school students. Research also suggests that yoga enhances physical well-being, physical fitness, and balance, strength, and flexibility in youth.
Social-Emotional Skills *
Yoga and mindfulness may have beneficial effects on a variety of social-emotional outcomes such as improved self-regulation, reduced hostility, and fewer problem behaviors.
Academic Performance *
Yoga and mindfulness may have beneficial effects on academic performance, such as improvements in quarterly grades and high-stakes test scores, and preventing declines in Grade Point Average and high-stakes test (GPA)
How to Get Started
Sessions can be scheduled for individuals, small or large groups. Our healing space in Pelham can hold groups of up to 4, and our seasonal patio space can support groups of 6. Additional spaces are available in the Pelham area for larger groups if needed. We can also come to your home, school, clinic, center, or hospital, or work virtually.
Pricing varies based on group size and session length and discounted packages are available for 5 and 10 session bundles. Gift certificates are available and can be mailed, picked up in Pelham, or delivered electronically.
Ready to schedule your first visit?
Email info@mbodiedwisdom.com and we will send you the link to complete your electronic intake form.
Schedule your initial consultation(you can opt to schedule a stand-alone consultation or purchase our new client special package)
Initial Intake: $150 (required for all new clients) Virtual In-Person
Pricing and Packages for Follow Up Treatment and Support
Single Follow Up Sessions:
30 Minutes: $70 Virtual In-Person 45-Minutes: $90 Virtual In-Person 60-Minutes: $120 Virtual In-Person
5-Session Package (15% discount, expires 3 months)
30 Minutes: $298 Virtual In-Person 45-Minutes: $382 Virtual In-Person 60-Minutes: $510 Virtual In-Person
10-Session Package (20% discount, expires 6 months)
30 Minutes: $560 Virtual In-Person 45-Minutes: $720 Virtual In-Person 60-Minutes: $960 Virtual In-Person
Discounted services available based on need. Email us if you need financial support.
Unsure and have more questions?
No problem. We would love to speak with you. Click the link below to schedule a 20-minute call to learn more and we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Research Citations:
1. Maynard, B. R., Solis, M., Miller, V., & Brendel, K. E. (2017). Mindfulness-based interventions for improving cognition, academic achievement, behavior, and socio-emotional functioning of primary and secondary students. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13.
2. Frank, J. L., Kohler, K., Peal, A., & Bose, B. (2017). Effectiveness of a school-based yoga program on adolescent mental health and school performance: Findings from a randomized controlled trial. Mindfulness, 8(3), 544-553.
3. Franco, C., Amutio, A., López-González, L., Oriol, X., & Martínez-Taboada, C. (2016). Effect of a mindfulness training program on the impulsivity and aggression levels of adolescents with behavioral problems in the classroom. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1385.
4. Frank, J. L., Bose, B., & Schrobenhauser-Clonan, A. (2014). Effectiveness of a school-based yoga program on adolescent mental health, stress coping strategies, and attitudes toward violence: Findings from a high-risk sample. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 30(1), 29-49.
5. A., López-González, L., Oriol, X., & Martínez-Taboada, C. (2016). Effect of a mindfulness training program on the impulsivity and aggression levels of adolescents with behavioral problems in the classroom. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1385
6. Brown Wright, L., Gregoski, M. J., Tingen, M. S., Barnes, V. A., & Treiber, F. A. (2011). Impact of stress reduction interventions on hostility and ambulatory systolic blood pressure in African American adolescents. Journal of Black Psychology, 37(2), 210-233.
7. Bei, B., Byrne, M. L., Ivens, C., Waloszek, J., Woods, M. J., Dudgeon, P., ... & Allen, N. B. (2013). Pilot study of a mindfulness‐based, multi‐component, in‐school group sleep intervention in adolescent girls. Early intervention in psychiatry, 7(2), 213-220
8. Bergen-Cico, D., Razza, R., & Timmins, A. (2015). Fostering self-regulation through curriculum infusion of mindful yoga: A pilot study of efficacy and feasibility. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(11), 3448-3461. Deplus, S., Billieux, J., Scharff, C., & Philippot, P. (2016). A mindfulness-based group intervention for enhancing self-regulation of emotion in late childhood and adolescence: A pilot study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14(5), 775-790
8. Chen, D. D., & Pauwels, L. (2014). Perceived benefits of incorporating yoga into classroom teaching: Assessment of the effects of “yoga tools for teachers”. Advances in Physical Education, 4(03), 138
9. Purohit, S. P., Pradhan, B., & Nagendra, H. R. (2016). Effect of yoga on EUROFIT physical fitness parameters on adolescents dwelling in an orphan home: A randomized control study. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 11(1), 33-46
10. Bakosh, L. S., Snow, R. M., Tobias, J. M., Houlihan, J. L., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2016). Maximizing mindful learning: Mindful awareness intervention improves elementary school students’ quarterly grades. Mindfulness, 7(1), 59-67
11. Bellinger, D. B., DeCaro, M. S., & Ralston, P. A. (2015). Mindfulness, anxiety, and high-stakes mathematics performance in the laboratory and classroom. Consciousness and Cognition, 37, 123-132
12. Butzer, B., van Over, M., Noggle Taylor, J. J., & Khalsa, S. B. S. (2015). Yoga may mitigate decreases in high school grades. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015
Want to learn more about our yoga therapy programs for your hospital, clinic, or company?
We would love to connect with you.